In honor of Earth Day, some team members visited Edgewater Park last April to volunteer with the Skagit Fishereies Enhancement Group. Each year, the organization, based in Mount Vernon, hosts a community volunteer event to help improve local habitats and public parks. This year, volunteers helped upgrade walking trails, plant trees and remove invasive plant species.
For the complete video and details, check out the video below.
When working outside, there’s always a chance to see some adorable wildlife!
Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group hosted a salmon seining —
catching fish with a net —
to help educate people about the local salmon population. Below are a few types of salmon chum. Aren’t they cute? Whitney came out from Whale Scout, a local group that’s dedicated to protecting Pacific Northwest whales through conservation projects. Whales rely on salmon as their main food source, so she mentioned how vital salmon are to protecting whales.
To find out how you can volunteer with the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group, visit their website.
Want to learn about other local organizations to help support? Check out part one of our Habitat for Hummanity series.